By Committee Chair PDG CP Eric Chin
Targets and Objectives
1. Each Club, District Officer and President ‒ Each One Bring One
2. District Installation Month July & August 2022 ‒ Induct 60 new members
3. Charter 2 New Cause-based Clubs/Satellite Clubs and Rotaract Clubs
4. 60 members by year end June 30, 2023
5. Club(s) under 20 members to be improved from 28 to 23.
1. Diversify member sources:
JCI, Toastmasters, Chambers of Commerce, Rotary Alumni and Rotaract
2. Engage Each Member for Better Retention
Membership Drive Incentive
1. Charter a New Club Incentive
Award HK$7,800 (US$1,000) upon charter ceremony
2. Induct a New Member
Female Member Young Member (aged 35 or under)
Award HK$1,000 (US$128)
3. A member who is over aged 35
Award HK$ 800 (US$100)
Award to the Club in two stages:
Before End of January 2022 and July 2023
Subject to Terms and Conditions
Charter President Academy – September 2022 to April 2023
New Members Orientation – October 2022, Jan & Mar 2023
Fellowship – Happy Hour
November 2022
February 2023
District Membership Committee Structure
Chair: PDG CP Eric Chin
Advisers: Zone 9 ARC Wilson Cheng, PDG YK Cheng,
PDG Jason Yeung, PDG Eugene Fong, CP CN Ma
Ex-Officio: DG Norman Lee, DGE Andy Li, DGN Nigel Lo
Deputy Chair: CP Jimmy Lau
Vice Chair: PP Elsa Wong
Vice Chair: Eliza Fan
Vice Chair: PP Sam Sio
Vice Chair: CP Alvin Lam
Vice Chair: PP Sayako Yeung
Vice Chair (Macau): CP Kent Lao
Vice Chair (Mongolia): PP Damdindorj Dashdavaa
1. Attract New Member Team
PP Sayako Yeung, PP Alex Lau, IPP Flora Tsang, IPP Ronald Kan,
2. Engage and Retention Team
PP Sam Sio, PP Imy Lai, William Yim, Winky Barsin
3. Develop New Club Team (CP Academy):
CP Jimmy Lau, CP Alvin Lam, PP Elsa Wong, PP Peter Pang