District Public Image and Branding Committee 2022-23
Thank you, District Governor Norman, for entrusting me to lead the District Public Image and Branding Committee in the coming Rotary term. In recent years, District 3450 have been doing so much work to promote our image so as to make an impact to the community, especially through social media, where Rotarians have posted many memorable and meaningful events with pictures showcasing ourselves as People of Action!
Rotary International have an Action Plan to grow Rotary and to help Rotarians adapt to the digital age. As People of Action we are expected to be inclusive, engaging, compassionate, and ambitious. We have to share our values with new audiences by creating new ways to bring people together to experience the power of Rotary.
What is Public Image and why is it important? The essence of Public Image is to BUILD AWARENESS OF OUR IMPACT AND OUR BRAND THROUGH STORY TELLING, We can use a variety of medias to promote positive image of clubs, District and most importantly our core values. To achieve the highest standards in Public Image, we have to work on a strategic communication process which is able to deploy a variety of media tools to reflect the genuine Rotary’s image and to build positive relationships with the public.
What is a Brand? It is a Perception: It’s how others think about the organization, not how the organization sees itself. It is an Emotional Connection: It’s the bond between the organization and the public as well as its members. It is a Promise: It’s a commitment to offer unique value and experiences. It is a Distinct Concept: It’s how the organization differentiates itself from others. It is a Recognizable logo: Use consistently and repeatedly, to provide instant recognition and understanding.
Brand reflects who we are as well as who we want to be. It’s our essence. That statement expresses how we see Rotary, but how do people who aren’t involved with Rotary perceive us and our clubs? Our Public Image is shaped by what people have heard — or haven’t heard — about Rotary. This can lead to misconceptions which we have to avoid.
How to build a Powerful brand of Rotary? An organization with a Strong visual identity is instantly recognizable without saying a word and a Powerful brand has a consistent visual identity and voice. A visual identity can include a logo, colors, fonts and photography. An organization’s voice- what it says and how it says it –expresses its personality and attitude. A Powerful Brand offers consistent and positive experiences – example like The Nike’s brand message focuses on the customer experience, with slogans like “Just Do It”. Strong brands provide experiences that people come to expect.
We also need Brand champions like all of you, you are the people who help communicate and promote the organization’s brand promises. We advise all Rotary Clubs, Rotaract Clubs and Interact Clubs to adopt the Masterbrand signatures as your club logo as advised by Rotary International. Please go to the Brand Centre to make your own club logo. For all club activities and items, please use your club logo and don’t use the District or Rotary International logo. If you are uncertain, please don’t hesitate to ask our team or RIC colleagues for help.
I am sure that all Clubs would have now elected your Public Image Chair. Have you formulated your club Public Image strategic plan yet? How can we promote Rotary to public on our daily basis? Get your club members involved. Are you wearing Rotary Pins every day or out on your club’s Rotary Tee during services or events? You can try to plan for a multi-year marketing campaign. Your Club PI Chair or PI committee is crucial, he or she will be helping to formulate the strategy of your club PI matters. Look for members who have Public relations or media experience, Media contacts, Knowledge of community partners, such as NGO, Government, schools and businesses, Project or event planning experience and Rotary Program experience. Work with other Rotary and Rotaract members to expand your reach.
People of Action (PoA) Photos and Videos Competition
The PoA photo & video competition is a campaign to share the good we can do in the world. It is an excellent opportunity to increase awareness on the service we do in the community. The photo and video are a story telling technique that help to inspire others especially through the medium of social media, newsletter and website. The PoA photo and video competition is a good public image tool to reinforces our values and at the same time, showcase our services to appeal to potential members whole want to make a difference in their communities to join Rotary.
Social Media
Social media has become an integral part of everyone. It also serves as a tool to market, advertise as well as to spread awareness. We, the PI – social media team will continue to drive the performance and brand awareness through active presence of Rotary’s The People of Action on social media platforms.
This year, we aimed to further increase brand recognition and loyalty through Search Engine Optimization and Marketing on various platforms.
Our ultimate goal is to share Rotary’s missions and visions to educate our society as a whole, to build our society up, and spread awareness. Encourage and Increase Customer Engagement and Loyalty to encourage a long-lasting relationship between Rotary, its members and the local community.
Printed Media Program
The Newspaper feature program will assist to promotie our District and our Clubs. The 1st issue will be published at the start of the new Rotary Year featuring the focus of DG Norman and the focus of Rotary International- Imagine Rotary.
On-air Radio Program
Our radio program collaborated with Metro Radio this year was well received by the public and Rotarians , which and we would continue the momentum in coming term . Thanks to PP Anna, PP Alby and P Dennis for organizing and we appreciate the great support given by our brilliant hosts PP Sean and PP Scarlet.
Monthly DG Newsletter
The DG Newsletter is one of the most important means of communication, we will try our best to make it more interesting and to attract more audience. All Presidents are encouraged to read through the newsletter and highlight some of the interesting topics to your members and encourage your members to read and follow.
Voice and Visual Identity Guideline
Please go to the Brand Centre of My Rotary to look these guidelines and take the courses in Learning Centre about Public Image.
Members of 2022-23 PI Committee:
Committee Chair: PDG Eric Chak
Advisor: Assistant Public Image Co-ordinator PDG Peter Wan
1) PP Ron Chan
2) DAG Alice Tam
3) DS Raymond Fan
4) P Dennis Ho
5) DDS Sam Sio
eMarketing (Website & Visual):
1) PP Angela Hui
2) PP Anna Or
3) PP Scarlet Tso
eMarketing (Social Media):
1) PP Dora Liu
2) PP Anna Or
3) PDRR Lok Chi
4) DAG Kenneth Leung
Internal Communication:
1) PP Thomas Chan
2) DAG Alby Lo
3) PP Vivian Chan
4) PP Elsie Gung
5) DDS Sammi Lam
External Communication (Overall & Non-Government Relations):
1) PP Lily Chan
External Communication (Government Relations):
1) CDS Natalie Kwok
2) DS Thomas Yeung
Macau Representative:
1) AG Elizabete Fong
2) PP Phoebe Pang
Mongolia Representative:
1) PP Tsolmon Gundenbal
Secretariat/Special Duty:
1) AG Alexander Cheung
2) DDS Helen Chan