On March 11th (Saturday), the Rotary International District 3450 held a blood donation day at the Tsang Pik Shan (Sung Lan) Secondary School in Ma On Shan, Hong Kong. Dr. Hon. David Tzit Yuen LAM, Legislative Councilor and Ms. Lidan DING from the Liaison Office of The Central People’s Government in the Hong Kong S.A.R. were invited to be our officiating guests of the ceremony.
“One blood donation saves three lives.” The Rotary International District 3450 and its affiliated Rotary clubs have responded to the call by the Hong Kong Red Cross for blood donation for many years by organizing all kinds of blood donation activities. The annual district blood donation day has mobilized a large amount of manpower and resources, hoping to promote the message of blood donation.
In his speech, Dr. LAM pointed out that in the past three years, the number of blood donors has decreased due to the COVID-19 pandemic. He urged citizens to encourage people around us to donate blood in response to the public’s need for blood transfusions to save lives. The Hong Kong Red Cross provides high-quality blood donation and blood preservation services, and the public can rest assured to donate blood to help others. Dr. LAM also praised the Rotary club members for their years of service to the community and expressed his highest respect for them.
After the COVID-19 pandemic, it was expected that more people would come out to donate blood, but now the West Nile virus (WNV) has emerged, which may prevent people who have been to affected North American or European countries from donating blood. Dr. Norman LEE, the District Governor of the Rotary International District 3450, said that donating blood to save lives will not harm the donor’s body. Helping others by donating blood can actually bring happiness. With the thorough explanation by the Hong Kong Red Cross, donors’ doubts and worries would be alleviated during the blood donation process.
Past District Governor Keith CHOW, Chairman of the Rotary International District 3450 Health Committee, thanked the Rotary club members for their assistance in organizing the blood donation events, and hoped that everyone would continue to support blood donation promotion work continuously. Mr. German HUI, the Past President of Rotary Club of Lan Kwai Fong, who was the chairman of the blood donation day organizing committee, mentioned that due to a congenital disease he had to receive blood transfusions immediately after birth. Hence, he understood the importance of blood donation to save lives. Therefore, he fully agreed with the determination of the Rotary District and its affiliated Rotary clubs to call for blood donation.
According to data from the Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service Center, during the blood processing process, different components of the blood will be separated. Therefore, donating one bag of whole blood (including red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, plasma, and clotting factors) can treat three or more patients.
The Rotary International District 3450 covers Hong Kong, Macao, and Mongolia, and has 107 Rotary clubs with more than 2,700 Rotary club members. Every year, they organize various health-related activities, including group blood donation, as well as services and promotion activities related to cardiopulmonary resuscitation, dementia, organ donation, disease prevention, and promoting vaccine injection. They contribute their strength to the treatment and prevention of diseases in various regions and live up to the Rotary motto, “Service Above Self”.
國際扶輪3450 地區捐血日推動社區捐血助人
國際扶輪3450地區於三月十一日(星期六)在馬鞍山曾璧山(崇蘭)中學舉行國際扶輪 3450 地區捐血日,立法會議員(醫療衞生界)林哲玄醫生及中聯辦協調部主任科員丁俐丹女士親臨活動作主禮嘉賓。