有關Rotary District 3450 | LPCUWC Peace Camp 2023活動
Written by Mr. Adrian Kwong of LPCUWC
(15 March 2023) Peace Camp is a youth event jointly organised by Rotary District 3450 (RID3450) and Li Po Chun United World College of Hong Kong (LPCUWC).
(2023年3月15日)Peace Camp是由國際扶輪第3450地區(RID3450)和香港李寶椿聯合世界書院(LPCUWC)合辦的青年活動。
RID3450 encompasses over 107 clubs in Hong Kong, Macau and Mongolia, and is part of Rotary International’s global network of 1.4 million neighbours, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change. LPCUWC is one of 18 UWC Schools and Colleges sharing the mission and philosophy of the UWC movement, with 160 National Committees and 60,000 graduates working to unite peoples, nations and cultures for peace and a sustainable future.
RID3450 涵蓋香港、澳門和蒙古的107個扶輪社,聯同國際扶輪遍布全球的140萬個社員、領袖和專業人士促進世界瞭解親善與和平。LPCUWC 是全球18所聯合世界書院之一,擁有160個國家委員會和60,000名畢業生的國際網絡,致力於團結人民、國際和文化,以實現和平和可持續發展的未來。
Peace Camp was conceptualised in 2020, as a way to connect with the youth and share with them our commitment to promoting peace, furthering education and serving the community. To date, more than 200 students have participated in two virtual Peace Camps. Three years on, this continued partnership has culminated in our very first face-to-face programme.
Peace Camp始於2020年,旨在連接青年並與他們一起促進和平、教育和服務社區。迄今爲止,我們已舉辦兩次網上的Peace Camp活動,邀請了越200名中學生參加。過往三年的合作關係促成了我們現在的首次綫下活動。
Our theme this year is Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI). These are core values for both RID3450 and LPCUWC, and we hope our two-day programme – created by students for students – will engender a deeper appreciation of DEI through dialogue and experiential learning. Participating students will have the opportunity to learn alongside peers from 20+ countries, interact with key opinion leaders, join student-led simulations/discussions, and perform in a unique Diversity Show.
本年度Peace Camp的主題是“多元、公平、共融(DEI)”。這是RID3450和LPCUWC的核心價值,我們希望透過兩天由學生主導的學習經驗,讓參加的同學更深刻地理解DEI。參加者會與來自20多個國家的同齡人一起學習,與不同界別的領袖和專業人士互動,參加由學生帶領的遊戲及討論,并參與一個獨特的國際文化表演。
Details of the upcoming Peace Camp:
Peace Camp活動詳情
Opening Ceremony
Saturday 1 April 2023
10:00 – 10:45 am
Diversity Show & Closing Ceremony
Sunday 2 April 2023
3:30 – 5:15 pm
2023年4月1 日 (星期六)
10:00 – 10:45 am
2023年4月2 日(星期日)
3:30 – 5:15 pm
Venue: Li Po Chun United World College, 10 Lok Wo Sha Lane, Sai Sha Road, Ma On Shan
Notes: Visiting parking is not provided
For more information or any media enquiries, contact the programme manager: Mr. Adrian Kwong (youth@lpcuwc.edu.hk / +852 98482148).
如有任何查詢,歡迎聯絡項目經理 鄺先生 (youth@lpcuwc.edu.hk / +852 98482148).