By PDG Belinda Yeung, JP, Rotary Club of Hong Kong Harbour

September Is Basic Education and Literacy Month

Basic education and literacy is one of The Rotary Foundation’s seven areas of focus. It is essential for reducing poverty, improving health, encouraging community and economic development, and promoting peace.

According to the UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report 2021/2022:

  • If all women completed primary education, there would be 66% fewer maternal deaths.
  • A child born to a mother who can read is 50% more likely to survive past the age of five.
  • If all students in low-income countries left school with basic reading skills, 171 million people could be lifted out of poverty, which would be equivalent to a 12% cut in world poverty.

The Rotary Foundation considers activities targeting the following to be within the scope of the basic education and literacy area of focus:

  • Access to quality basic primary and secondary education;
  • Educating adults in literacy;
  • Providing training in teaching literacy, curriculum development, and school administration;
  • Strengthening educational experience through improved materials and facilities;
  • Community management of education systems;
  • Vocational training teams supporting the above activities;
  • School desk purchases, when accompanied by a detailed and verifiable plan to improve basic education and literacy;
  • Scholarships for graduate-level study in programs related to basic education and literacy.

Rotary Showcase: Basic Education & Literacy

Nigeria, July 26th 2022
The Rotaract club of FUTO undertook a project on the importance of education prior to the believe on the pidgin slangs which says school na scam.

This project emphasised to children that school is not a scam but the real deal. The service project included a workshop focusing on the importance of literacy and students were given stationery and educational books.

Clubs in D3450 are encouraged to participate in Basic Education and Literacy projects. For more details, please contact TRF Program Team.



UNICEF Report: May 2022

Extraordinary advances have been made in the effort to eradicate wild polio in just a generation. The number of children paralyzed by the virus has decreased by 99 per cent since 1988. 

There is no cure for polio. It can only be prevented. That prevention comes from a vaccine, which can protect a child for life. And still to this day, many children do not have that protection. From conflict and displacement to the healthcare disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as vaccine hesitancy, there are many reasons why that gap in immunization exists.  And now, recent cases of polio are emerging globally that threaten the advances that have been made over the past three decades. This is where things stand today.
Below please find the most updated statistics from the World Health Organisation as of August 23rd 2022:

Dear Fellow Rotarians,

More than ever, now is the time for us to galvanise behind the End Polio initiative.

As of August 23rd 2022, the number of polio cases in the past 12 months is 20. With: Pakistan (14), Mozambique (5), Afghanistan (4), Malawi (1).
For the most updated figures please visit:

Let’s do our part!
Support End Polio Now by joining the End Polio Walk on October 22nd 2022.

Together we will

Mark Your Diary

  • 22 October 2022 – End Polio Walk
  • 26 November 2022 – District Rotary Foundation Seminar