The scope of Diversity, equity & inclusion (DEI) not only includes ethnic minorities, women, biases against older age groups, and stretches way beyond these commonly discussed topics and covers issues derived from observed differences in the society, from which DEI in general refers to barriers to membership, participation and leadership in a social circle experienced by individuals from certain groups.

Definition of DEI by Rotary International

All 3 elements of DEI must develop together. Diversity ensures that different people can join and participate in a community, while equity acknowledges that their differences are not a factor in their advancement. As impossible as it is to have diversity without equity, it is also impossible to have diversity without inclusion.

Equity & Equality

Quite often equity is confused with equality in conversations of DEI.

EQUALITY often stresses equal distribution of resources while the former one concerns different needs by individuals with different backgrounds.

EQUITY often concerns customized provision to each individual in a community in accordance with their respective needs arising from differences of personal backgrounds.

DEI In Rotary

Rotary values diversity and celebrates contributions of people of all backgrounds across different aspects. We hope to recognize barriers to participation historically experienced by certain groups, and to promote understanding and respect among the differences. To create a community inclusive of diversity, understanding of individual uniqueness and appreciation for their contributions play an essential role.

Upcoming Topics: Harassment, Microaggression, Unconscious Bias

“We believe that all people hold visible and invisible qualities that inherently make them unique, and we strive to create an inclusive culture where each person knows they are valued and belong.”