By PDG Belinda Yeung, JP, Rotary Club of Hong Kong Harbour

January is Vocational Service Month

Happy New Year to you! Wish you and your love ones a very wonderful 2023!

January is a special month on the Rotary calendar, as it is the time for us to focus on the importance of Vocational Service. At Rotary, we recognize that successful businesses and professionals form the foundation of our organization. Through Vocational Service, we strive to uphold the values of honour, integrity and trust in the workplace.

We have a wonderful chance to use our special talents and knowledge to make a difference in our community by helping others gain the skills they need and create better career opportunities for themselves.

Let’s join together to celebrate the commitment we have to Vocational Service this month!

The heart of Vocational Service is rooted in The Object of Rotary. Together, let’s read about the Object of Rotary and the relevance of Vocational Service.


The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster:

  • First The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service;
  • Second High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society;
  • Third The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal, business, and community life;
  • Fourth The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.


The Object of Rotary is a philosophical statement of Rotary’s purpose and the responsibilities of Rotarians. The concept of vocational service is rooted in the second object, which calls on Rotarians to encourage and foster:

  • High ethical standards in business and professions
  • The recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations
  • The dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society

As a Rotarian, how can you put these ideals into action? Consider these suggestions:

  • Talk about your profession in your club, and take time to learn about fellow members’ occupations.
  • Use your skills and expertise to serve a community.
  • Practice your profession with integrity, and inspire others to behave ethically through your words and actions.
  • Help young people achieve their career goals.
  • Guide and encourage others in their professional development.

By undertaking these activities, you bring vocational service to life. Vocational service is the essence of Rotary and serves as the foundation from which we serve our communities around the world.

This month, explore ways to put your talents to work for the benefit of your community.

  1. Use your skills to serve a community. Consider starting a project that requires the skills you possess, or join forces with one that is already being planned. By utilizing your vocational service, you can make a positive impact on the people around you.
  2. Share your expertise. Gain a sense of fulfillment by joining a Rotary club related to your profession. Leverage your expertise and professional experience to make a difference by contributing to projects that have a local and/or global reach. Enjoy the satisfaction of knowing you are helping to improve the lives of people around the world.
    • If you have technical expertise in one of Rotary’s seven areas of focus or in project planning and implementation, speak to your club members about vocational service opportunities.
    • If you have professional skills in Rotary’s areas of focus or financial auditing, use your expertise to advise Rotary members who are planning and working on Rotary Foundation grant projects.
  3. Help young professionals achieve their career goals. Provide guidance to younger members of the Rotary family, including Rotaractors, Interactors, and Rotary Community Corps, and facilitate growth in their professional and leadership capabilities

D3450 Rotary Figures

Rotary Foundation Recognition Spotlight

IPDG Water Wu Rotary Experience:

2021-22 AKS Member

2021-22 D3502 DG

2020-21 D3502 DGE

2019-20 D3502 DGN

2018-19 D3502 DGND

2018-19 D3502 Chief Affairs Officer

2016-17 D3500 Rotary Family Fellowship Chairman

2015-16 D3500 District Deputy Secretary

2013-14 D3500 Chairman of Taiwan Hong Kong Friendship Association

2012-13 D3500 Governor’s Special Representative

2011-12 D3500 President of RC Taoyuan Southeast

PP Maki: IPDG Water, you achieved an amazing record breaking feat of raising 3 million USD in your year as DG and you also personally donated 250,000 USD to become an Arch Klump Society Member. Could you kindly tell us more about your journey and how you achieved this 3 million fundraising amount in the time of COVID?

IPDG Water:  The day you become a DGND, your responsibility starts.

6 months before my duty, I strategically focused on strengthening Rotary culture, building up our annual goals by organising seminars, workshops and frequent fellowship gatherings with my team.

I understand well that a DG, is definitely not the best nor the richest nor the one who has more time than the others.  Therefore it is important to build up a high performance team that embodies the Rotary DNA of service.

We Rotarians should be proud to participate in the global and regional grant projects, through our Foundation donations big and small.

At my DG Installation, I announced that I became an Arch Klumph Society Member.
I wanted to set a personal example to inspire people to become a new force to share the same spirit, to catch the hearts and get the support from potential donors.

IPDG Water Wu with her husband CP Super (Chien-Huan Chan)

PP Maki: What were the major challenges you faced when you serve as the leader of The Rotary Foundation in Taiwan?

IPDG Water: The challenge we faced occurred when our District used the limited DDF to match with the cash-designated global grant programme. The application process was difficult. Fortunately, we overcame various of obstacles and finally all projects sponsored by our District have been completed. We also brought the cash designated funds for over 1 million USD.

PP Maki: What is the most rewarding aspect of being a Rotarian?

IPDG Water: The most rewarding aspects are: gaining exposure, professional development growth and exposure, and meeting social entrepreneurs.

PP Maki: How do you effectively promote the Rotary Foundation activities to members, and how do you ensure that Rotary Foundation strategic plan is implemented at the club level?

IPDG Water: The COVID-pandemic has brought great harm and disorder to the world. I have been thinking how Rotarians can regain their enthusiasm, exercise resilience and take action. I have encouraged all clubs to involve heavily in the most influential global and district grant programmes. By doing so, Rotarians not only increase the aggregate donation amount, but also grow in their understanding of the value of being a Rotarian.

PP Maki: What are the 3 most important characteristics for being a Rotary Foundation leader?

IPDG Water: To be a Rotary Foundation leader, important characteristics are: efficient communication skills, ability to inspiring,  embody trustworthiness, and garner respect from fellow members.

PP Maki: What impact do you hope your donation will have on society or future generations?

IPDG Water: I hope to awaken the kindness, love, and social goodwill in others. To create a harmonious social environment, and also achieve a sense of self-accomplishment. I wish to help the next generation recognise that they have been living in a very blessed environment, and I hope their hearts will be filled with positive energy and love.

PP Maki: Thank you IPDG Water for sharing with us your vision and passion about Rotary. As a final question, is there anything you would like to add and share with us?

IPDG Water: When I was District Governor, I often asked my members, ‘What would Rotary be like without the Rotary Foundation?”

My simple take is: “without the Rotary Foundation, Rotarians would be just a bunch of like-minded people doing great work in their own communities, but we wouldn’t be the global force we are today”.

As the Chinese Adage says, “心有多寬,世界就有多大 Your world is as big as your heart.” Many Rotarians follow this adage.

As the results, in 2021-22, with more than 2,300 club members in District 3502, we have created  9 new AKS, 8 new Rotary Clubs, and our total fund donation was USD 3,135,864 ranking us 4th among more than 500 districts around the world.  

In summary, I would like to share that: time leaves traces on the brows and eyes. Time can also leave the light of wisdom in the eyes. You will be the winner in this race against time because wisdom welcomes abundance, increases your abilities and empowers you to achieve life goals. Wisdom also tells us what we should and should not do.

Being a woman, time has made me lose my youthful appearance, so it is inevitable that someone will ask: “if you could start over, what age would you most like to be?”

My answer is: “I am satisfied with every age”, because I am the winner when racing against the time.

That’s what I would like to share with all of you.

Thank you so much IPDG Water for your heart to serve.  You are  truly living Service Above Self! 
Thank you for supporting Rotary Foundation!

Rotary Foundation Recognition Spotlight

九地帶助理扶輪基金協調人 (2022-23) 吳淑華簡介

CV of Zone 9 ARRFC PDG Water

姓名:吳淑華(Shu-Hua Wu)

屬社:桃園東南扶輪社(Rotary Club of Taoyuan Southeast)

寶眷:詹前煥CP Super(Chien-Huan Chan) _桃園高爾夫扶輪社Rotary Club of Taoyuan Golf

學歷:台北科技大學資訊與財金管理碩士(Taipei University of Technology ( EMBA )

現職:台灣奈米淨化科技 董事長(Chairman of Taiwan Nano Purification Technology)

地區經歷(Rotary Experience):

2021-22 AKS Member

2021-22 D3502 DG地區總監   D3502 DG

2020-21 D3502 DGE地區總監當選人   D3502 DGE

2019-20 D3502 DGN地區總監提名人   D3502 DGN

2018-19 D3502 DGND地區總監指定人   D3502 DGND

2018-19 D3502 地區區務長   D3502 Chief Affairs Officer

2016-17 D3500 地區扶輪家庭聯誼主委   D3500 Rotary Family Fellowship Chairman

2015-16 D3500 地區副祕書長   D3500 District Deputy Secretary

2013-14 D3500 地區台港聯誼會主委   D3500 Chairman of Taiwan Hong Kong Friendship Association

2012-13 D3500 總監特別代表、助理秘書   D3500 Governor’s Special Representative

2011-12 D3500 桃園東南扶輪社社長   D3500 President of RC Taoyuan Southeast



在您領導時期,臺灣Rotary Foundation遇到最大的困難是什麼?




您認為作為一個帶領Rotary Foundation的領導人最需要具備的三個性格特徵是什麼?






感謝 IPDG Water 與我們分享您對扶輪社的願景和熱情。 最後一個問題,您有什麼想補充和與我們分享的嗎?



因此,2021-22年度,3502地區2300多位社友創造了new AKS Member 9位,八個新的扶輪社,基金捐獻總額USD3,135,864,名列全世界500多個地區第四名的收穫。


