Article provided by P Eliza Ning, District 3450 Preserve Planet Earth Committee (PPE) Chair of RC of Hong Kong Harbour and Rtn Clive Tsang, RC of Hong Kong Northeast, organizing committee chair of the Rotary Carbon Reduction and Ecological Conservation Video Competition Award Ceremony.
文章由國際扶輪3450地區保育地球委員會 (PPE) 主席 P Eliza Ning, 香港海港扶輪社及扶輪減碳及生態保育短片創作比賽頒奬典禮籌委會主席 Rtn Clive Tsang , 香港東北扶輪社提供。
In June 2020, “Protecting the Environment” has been recognized by Rotary International (RI) as the seventh area of focus. In order to increase the participation of Rotarians and the community in “protecting the environment”, towards the objectives of carbon reduction and eventually reaching the goal of carbon neutral, Rotary International District 3450 Preserve Planet Earth (PPE) Committee has organized the Rotary Carbon Reduction and Ecological Conservation Video Competition, in order to increase the awareness of the public in carbon reduction and ecological conservation.
國際扶輪於2020年6月敲定”保護環境”為第七個新嘅重點領域。為提高扶輪人同埋社會嘅參與度,以及令大家認識和積極推動環保,朝向減碳甚至碳中和嘅目標, 國際扶輪3450地區保育地球委員會 簡稱(PPE) 舉辦咗扶輪減碳及生態保育短片創作比賽,希望藉依個比賽增加大眾對減少碳排放同埋生態保育議題的意識同使命感。
The competition is divided into two sections: Form 1 to Form 4 section and Form 5, 6 and Adult section. There is a total of 11 prizes. 40 teams, close to 200 individuals, have participated in this competition.
依個比賽分為兩個部分,中一至中四組 和 中五、中六暨成人組, 共有十一個奬項。而參加嘅團隊,一共有40隊,接近200人。
We are honored to have invited the following eight guests as the judges of this competition: Mr. K.S. Wong, GBS, JP, former Secretary for the Environment, HKSAR Government; Mr Lawrence Lam, Senior Environment Protection Officer, Environment and Ecology Bureau, HSAR Government; Mr. Leung Wing-Mo, ex- Assistant Director of Hong Kong Observatory; PDG Eric Chak, Rotary D3450 Public Image Committee Chair; PP Scarlet Tso, Associate VP, Dean School of Communication, Hang Seng University of Hong Kong; PP Sam Sio, Chairman and founder at SME Lab, Come Know (Asia) Limited; CP Mok Yi Tan, photographer and writer; PP Mahmood Rumjahm, songs and lyrics writer.
本次活動很榮幸能邀請以下八位嘉賓擔任今次比賽嘅評判:前環境局局長黃錦星先生 GBS, JP,環境及生態局 高級環境保護主任 劉孟偉先生,香港天文台前助理台長, 香港理工大學 客席教授梁榮武教授,國際扶輪3450地區公眾形象委員會主席 PDG Eric,香港恒生大學協理副校長(傳訊及公共事務) 曹虹傳理學院院長及教授,專業攝影師及作家 CP 莫依丹女士,Come Know (Asia) Ltd.及SME Lab中小企硏究所創辦人 蕭國煒先生,作曲及作詞人 林慕德先生。

With the sponsorship of MTR advertisements, from 14th April to 31st May, the above banner was shown in various MTR station. Besides, from 17th April to 23rd April, the winning videos of the Form 5, 6 and Adult section were played in the outdoor TV wall at Times Square, in order to celebrate the Earth Day on the 22nd April.
On 22nd April,2023 the award ceremony of this competition was held in the Hong Kong Productivity Council.

Photo of DGN Nigel, P Eliza and the judges. 評判們、DGN Nigel和P Eliza的合照。

DGN Nigel和支持機構代表的合照。

PDG Eugene和白金地鐵廣告贊助機構代表合照

PDG Eugene和金地鐵廣告贊助機構代表合照

P Eliza和白金現金贊助機構代表合照

P Eliza和金現金贊助機構代表合照




最多作品參與學校: 南屯門官立中學。

中一至中四組大奬: Hong Kong Academy的學生。

中五、六暨成人組大奬: 真光女書院的學生。

P Eliza致總結詞。

P Eliza和李樂詩博士在台上分享。

大家一起叫 「減碳惜食,積極行動,保育地球,人人有責」這口號。


DGN Nigel和活動籌委會成員的自拍照。
The PPE Committee will share one winning video every month within the PPE Directors Whatsapp chatgroup, in order for PPE directors to promote the message of carbon reduction and ecological conservation within their clubs.
保育地球委員會 (PPE) 會於 PPE Directors 群組每月分享其中一段得奬短片,令PPE Directors能把相關減碳及生態保育訊息傳遞出去。