By DRR Wayne Lai, Rotaract Club of Victoria

It has been a very busy and rewarding year for District Rotaract. The ease of COVID and its associated regulations facilitated the development of the Rotaract Community in different means. With the theme Together We ____, the team has organised various projects in creating positive impact to the society, as well as re-establishing the connections to different organizations and among the Rotaract Community. More importantly, the “new normal” allows us to reconnect with the globe to bring the International exposure and perspective to the youngsters.

District Rotaract Installation
Gala Premiere is the theme of this year’s District Rotaract Installation. This also embarks the beginning of our new Rotaract Journey. On the 24th July, more than 200 Rotarians and Rotaractors dressed up to celebrate this important occasion with us. It was great to see a lot of familiar faces again since we haven’t met each other quite awhile since the pandemic.

District Service Project
District Service Project (DSP) is an annual service project organised on District Level, with the aim to create impactful service projects by partnering with external organisations with expertise and collaborating with our energetic volunteers.

To majority of us, the phrase “the deaf” has a connotation of discrimination and disablism, therefore we often deliberately replace it with “the hearing impaired” to address our service target. However, the phrase “the deaf” actually represents the sense of identity, which includes their unique culture, community and language. We should respect our service target and address them with the right phrase.

This year, with the theme ‘Together・We HEAR’, We conducted a 4-stage service project, from empowering our Rotaractors, developing relationships with the deaf, organising direct service and project showcase. We would like our volunteers and the deaf to collaborate and accompany each other in various training and activities, so as to understand each other and foster a trusting relationship. Meanwhile, we are devoted to raise the public’s awareness on the deaf, achieving an inclusive society in the foreseeable future.

We also developed external partnerships throughout this project – a round of applause to our experts who provide support to our project. Special thanks to PDG Eugene for lining up Rotaract with the Lutheran school of the Deaf, PP Marwin and IPP Raymond for the venue support.

World Rotaract Week
World Rotaract Week, often abbreviated as WRW, is an annual event for Rotary family members to come together and celebrate Rotaract’s birthday — commemorating the first Rotaract club chartered on 13 March 1968.
This year, under the theme of ‘Together・We FOSTER’, in order to promote Rotaract’s impact and to celebrate the 55th anniversary of Rotaract, District Rotaract has organized a Funfair x Talent Show.

There were 20 Rotaract and Local Shops setting up booths in the Funfair. District Rotaract had also set up a booth to introduce Rotaract to General Public. Besides, Influencers and local buskers were invited to arouse more public attention.
In the talent show, not only did we see the talents among our fellow Rotaractors, but we are also happy to have the Interact x Rotaract Collaboration which showcases the youth connection in the Rotary family.
Once again we would like to thank our fellow Rotarians for the continuous support towards Rotaract and we are looking forward to more 55 years in the future.

Special thanks to Come Know for the onsite support.
Membership Development – Spring Gathering x DC

Membership experience is one of the core pillars of District Rotaract. We hope to attract new members joining us, and sustain the existing university-based Rotaractors to succeed community-based.

As such, the team has planned a series of fellowship events to let our fellow Rotaractors reunite and have fun together.
In October 2022, we organised a War game to gather university-based and community-based Rotaractors. In February 2023, we organised a Spring Gathering with attractive lucky draw prizes. There were more than 250 Rotaractors and Rotarians gathered to celebrate the Chinese New Year together. We appreciate all the sponsors who made our event more fruitful. At the end of the Rotary Year, we organised the Rotaract District Conference to celebrate the success of this Rotary Year with our fellow Rotaractors.

The team also took the chance to re-brand the Joint Presidents’ Meeting (JPM) to Joint Clubs’ Meeting (JCM) to encourage all Rotaractors (not just Presidents) to join this bi-monthly occasion to expand their network, collaborate and strengthen the bonding with other Rotaractors.

Apart from usual reports from District Rotaract and Clubs Presidents, fellowship is the core of this occasion. This year, we are happy to bring back the long-awaited physical Spring Gathering and very popular JCM. We have organised 5 JCM in total – in July 2022 (DSP Consultation), October 2022 (Halloween), December 2022 (Christmas), February 2023 (Spring Gathering) and May 2023 (Macao).
RI convention
One of the highlights for this year District Rotaract – we successfully bid a breakout session at Rotary International Conference in Melbourne to share our great work and projects in an international occasion. It was an eye-opening experience for most of us – as we are the 1st time attendees and haven’t traveled for 3 years. The opening ceremony was amazing like a concert. The flag ceremony was fabulous and we could observe Rotary’s impact across the globe. We also gained a lot in the House of Friendship, through conversations with Rotarians & Rotaractors from all over the world, to understand the projects they did in different parts of the world. We also took part to attend different breakout sessions to gain an understanding on different global issues, such as protecting the environment and ESGs. We also attended a breakout session to hear the views from different Rotaractors on the elevating status of Rotaract.
Apart from the “conference experience”, we also took the chance to explore the beauty of Melbourne. We also want to thank DG Norman and first lady Isa for the hospitality on hosting a DG Banquet in Melbourne. We all enjoyed a lot and had very great conversations with the Rotary family of RID 3450.
This trip definitely one of the most memorable and exciting experiences in our life. Once in a lifetime experience to travel overseas with a group of your board members.

Rotaractors @ Rotary Events

This year, our team and fellow Rotaractors also actively participated in different Rotary Events. It is not rare to see the presence of those who wear Red / Black Rotaractor T-shirts. Riding on the elevated status of Rotaract, we hope to foster the relationship between Rotarians and Rotaractors. You are expected to observe more presence of Rotaractors in Rotary’s committee, along with DGE Andy’s goal to have 2 Rotaractors in each Rotary Committee.
Lastly, we would like to use below to conclude. It is never easy to run a youth organisation while everyone has their occupation and priorities. It was a very tiring journey but truly-rewarding. We would like to deliver our sincere thanks and appreciation to the team. Thanks for staying and supporting everyone in the past Rotary Year. Let’s Create Hope in the World in Rotary Year 2023-24.
District Rotaract & Rotaract Executive Committee 2022-23

District Rotaract Chair Henry WONG (Rotary Club of Hong Kong Island West)
Immediate Past District Rotaract Chair Anita CHAN (Rotary Club of Victoria)
District Secretary Dominic WAI (Rotary Club of Star Avenue)
District Secretary Helen OR (Rotary Club of Neoteric Hong Kong)
Deputy Assistant Governor James FAN (Rotary Club of Golden Bauhinia Hong Kong)
Deputy Assistant Governor Jeffrey KWOK (Rotary Club of Soho Hong Kong)
Deputy District Secretary Francis CHAN (Rotary Club of New Territories)
Deputy District Secretary Gabriel WONG (Rotary Club of Innovation Hong Kong)
Deputy District Rotaract Chair Brian LEE (Rotary Club of Hong Kong Island West)
Deputy District Rotaract Chair Kenny LEE (Rotary Club of Central)
Deputy District Rotaract Chair Wendy LEE (Rotary Club of Sha Tin)
Deputy District Rotaract Chair Jay LEUNG (Rotary Club of Victoria)
Deputy District Rotaract Chair Byron WONG (Rotary Club of Harmony & Prosperity Hong Kong)
Deputy District Rotaract Chair Joanne WONG (Rotary Club of Hong Kong City North)
Deputy District Rotaract Chair Wilson WOO (Rotary Club of Tai Po)
Deputy District Rotaract Chair Raymond YEUNG (Rotary Club of Golden Bauhinia Hong Kong)
Deputy District Rotaract Chair (Macau) Yasmin CHAN (Rotary Club of Macau)
Deputy District Rotaract Chair (Mongolia) Nomuunbilegt BATMUNKH (Rotary Club of Gerege)
District Rotaract Representative Wayne LAI (Rotaract Club of Victoria)
Deputy District Rotaract Representative Jason HO (Rotaract Club of Victoria)
Deputy District Rotaract Representative Timmy LAM (Rotaract Club of Hong Kong City North)
Deputy District Rotaract Representative William WU (Rotaract Club of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Deputy District Rotaract Representative Merlot YEUNG (Rotaract Club of Hong Kong Island East)
Deputy District Rotaract Representative (Macau) Billy HO (Rotaract Club of Macau Central)
Deputy District Rotaract Representative (Mongolia) Gal BAYRSAIKHAN (Rotaract Club of Tuul)
Deputy District Rotaract Representative (Mongolia) Erdensuvd ENKTHUR (Rotaract Club of Tsetsee Gung)
Assistant District Rotaract Representative Dennis KWOK (Rotaract Club of Peninsula)
Assistant District Rotaract Representative Dickson WONG (Rotaract Club of Caritas Institute of Higher Education)
Assistant District Rotaract Representative Steven WONG (Rotaract Club of New Territories)
Assistant District Rotaract Representative Eliza YEUNG (Rotaract Club of Peninsula)
District Secretary Betty KEUNG (Rotaract Club of Hong Kong Island East)
District Treasurer Victor CHIN (Rotaract Club of Hong Kong Island East)
Rotaract Executive Officer Rossy CHAN (Rotaract Club of Victoria)
Rotaract Executive Officer Linda CHOI (Rotaract Club of United College, the CUHK)
Rotaract Executive Officer Daniel CHONG (Rotaract Club of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Rotaract Executive Officer Koey FONG (Rotaract Club of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Rotaract Executive Officer Victor LI (Rotaract Club of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Rotaract Executive Officer Yuko POON (Rotaract Club of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Rotaract Executive Officer Raphael TANG (Rotaract Club of Hong Kong City North)
Rotaract Executive Officer Charis WATT (Rotaract Club of New Territories)
Rotaract Executive Officer Katherine WONG (Rotaract Club of The University of Hong Kong)
Rotaract Executive Officer Rosara WONG (Rotaract Club of United College, the CUHK)
Rotaract Executive Officer Kellie YUEN (Rotaract Club of Hong Kong City North)
Rotaract Executive Officer (Macau) Andrew KAM (Rotaract Club of Macau Central)